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Queries and Grievance Handling

Sr. No. SRAP 2020 Reforms SRAP 2020 Reforms No. Document / URL
1 Working procedures (including service timelines, assignment of relationship managers,reverting to investors, in-built sectoral expertise etc.) for Investors’Facilitation Center/ Investment Promotion Agency for Queries handling and Grievance handling. 7 1. Notification Dated 30-10-2017
2. Notification Dated 23-01-2021
3. Notification Dated 17-10-2022
2 Mandate regarding all queries regarding the application from the investor to be recorded and addressed within a timeline of 15 days from the date of queries raised under the PSDG Act / any equivalent Act. 8 1. Notification Dated 30-10-2017
2. Notification Dated 23-01-2021
3. Notification Dated 17-10-2022
3 Mandate regarding all queries/clarifications related to industrial applicants are sought once and within 7 days of receiving the application from the investor 9 1. Notification Dated 30-10-2017
2. Notification Dated 23-01-2021
3. Notification Dated 17-10-2022


- Data Starting From 1st January 2022
- The Dashboard is being updated regularly as and when the Queries Received and Queries Responded.
Particulars Micro Small Medium Large
Time Limit prescribed as per the Public Service Guarantee Act 7 Day(s) 7 Day(s) 7 Day(s) 7 Day(s)
Total Number of Queries Received 7 23 9 6
Total Number of Queries responded 4 5 5 5
Average time taken to respond to queries 299 Day(s) 519 Day(s) 122 Day(s) 475 Day(s)
Median time taken to respond to queries 154 Day(s) 378 Day(s) 177 Day(s) 120 Day(s)
Minimum time taken to respond to Query 1 Day(s) 1 Day(s) 1 Day(s) 1 Day(s)
Maximum time taken to respond to Query 548 Day(s) 983 Day(s) 177 Day(s) 668 Day(s)
Average Fees